Thursday, October 31, 2013

Part Two -- The Balance

First, and most importantly, let me update the orphan water situation I wrote about a week ago.  Two more children have died in a new wave of dysentery and all of the remaining eighteen children are alive and receiving care.  Another orphanage has been found (by a team who got lost going to help the original orphanage) who is also suffering from the epidemic and have already lost five children.  Please look into to get more information on how to help and continue to keep them in your thoughts and prayers. 

Day Thirty-one.

My thoughts from day twenty-seven have left me conflicted. 

On one hand I absolutely refuse to go back to turning a blind eye to the grave food and water conditions around they world.  It's unacceptable to me.  I will find a way to help.  I have returned to school, this time focusing on nursing (not so sure what I'll do with that business degree just yet).  I'm hoping that a nursing degree will eventually allow me (through both finances and knowledge) to travel on missions trips and make a difference to those in need. 

On the other hand I also know I must find some balance to my discoveries.  I need to find ways to help, but I also need to live my life and--more importantly--allow my kids to live theirs.  So how do I go from the knowledge to the implementation of helping without becoming a fanatic?  What is the balance?  Will I know it when I find it?  Is it possible?

Tomorrow we start our "Poverty Awareness" weeks (thanks Donnie for the great title).  What will it bring?  I am going into it with only a dab of excitement.  I am nervous it will be met with much more resistance from the small ones since living out of our pantry hasn't been nearly as hard as we imagined.  But I also feel the lessons will feel more tangible so that is an exciting thought to me. 

As the oldest said tonight: time for rice and beans.  :)

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